Sustainable / LEED Consulting I


In his role as a member of the research faculty in the Carnegie Mellon Center for Building Performance & Diagnostics (CBPD), Professor Lee provides consulting services to transform the marketplace for a select list of international, national, regional and local clients.

Phipps Conservatory

Pittsburgh, PA • Current

Recommendations to improve the performance of a $45 million upgrade to this 100-year old Pittsburgh landmark. Collaborating with Professor Fisch, of EGS Plan, Germany, ventilating earth tubes have been incorporated into the construction of the tropical rainforest conservatory and a rainwater harvesting system is being investigated for the production greenhouses.

new addition for special exhibitions

earth tubes buried under frost line pre-condition supply air

South Central Regional Office Building

Harrisburg, PA • 2000

Consulting services to lead a series of meetings and design charrettes in Harrisburg to review baseline systems and then to establish a set of modifications to improve organizational flexibility, technological adaptability and building performance. The Architect incorporated these system recommendations into the final design of the building, with the result being a new standard for healthy, flexible, adaptable and energy and environmentally effective buildings in the Commonwealth.

south central regional office building

mockup raised floor system w/air diffuser + modular wiring


Highlights: Water consumption reductions of more than 20%. Annual energy consumption cost reduction modeled at over 40%. One of the 5 project nationwide selected by the US DOE in 2000 to represent the United States at the International Sustainable Building 2000 Convention in Maastricht, the Netherlands. One of the first 12 LEED Certified buildings in the US award-winning video, “Pennsylvania’s First Green Building,” which airs on PBS. Won the PA Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence in 1998.